The U-Step walker is a specific walker designed for individuals with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Ataxia, ALS, PSP/MSA, Stroke, and balance disorders. It has a unique design that improves control, stability, and maneuverability compared to other wheeled walkers to prevent falls.
Reverse braking system will not let it roll unless the hand brakes are squeezed, making it safer.
Greater stability in all directions with the U-shaped base and spring-loaded front wheel.
There is a comfortable padded seat for sitting and a basket attached to carry objects while walking.
Easily transportable with a lift and release lever by the seat. No bending is required to pick it up!
Insurance companies and Medicare may be able to cover some of the cost of the U-step walker for those with neurological conditions.
Option for accessories such as laser and sound cueing module to normalize walking and reduce freezing.
There are so many great reasons to use a U-Step to reduce your risk of falls!