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Why Choose the U-Step Walker

The U-Step walker is a specific walker designed for individuals with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Ataxia, ALS, PSP/MSA, Stroke, and balance disorders. It has a unique design that improves control, stability, and maneuverability compared to other wheeled walkers to prevent falls.

  • Reverse braking system will not let it roll unless the hand brakes are squeezed, making it safer.

  • Greater stability in all directions with the U-shaped base and spring-loaded front wheel.

  • There is a comfortable padded seat for sitting and a basket attached to carry objects while walking.

  • Easily transportable with a lift and release lever by the seat. No bending is required to pick it up!

  • Insurance companies and Medicare may be able to cover some of the cost of the U-step walker for those with neurological conditions.

  • Option for accessories such as laser and sound cueing module to normalize walking and reduce freezing.

There are so many great reasons to use a U-Step to reduce your risk of falls!


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