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Physical Therapy for Dancers: A Different Approach

Physical Therapy for Dancers requires a different approach than other orthopedic

treatments. Physical therapy is used to help you understand your condition and how it can be treated. It can also be used to provide pre-rehab to strengthen you and prevent injuries before they even happen. 

Finding a physical therapist who is versed in and confident in dance and treating dancers is essential. With this dance knowledge, we can evaluate and treat dancers differently than in other areas. We can understand the demands of a dance class and the terms used, such as plie, releve, arabesque, etc.

Literature has shown that physical therapists with a background in dance

who are involved in the treatment of dancers can help improve the dancer's overall outcome. Our diagnosis and treatment have been shown to decrease the dancer's time out of dance and improve their overall function. Any dancer at any age can benefit from physical therapy, both physically and mentally. With specialized care and a personalized treatment approach, physical therapy has been shown to improve the overall mental health of dancers by allowing them to continue dancing.

A physical therapy evaluation for a dancer would look specifically at the strength, flexibility, joint mobility, tissue texture, ligament laxity, and swelling of the injured area. Using a specialized and personalized approach, your physical therapist is able to explore what movements in dance are most difficult and screen your turnout, balance, technique, and other areas that can impact your injury and dancing ability.

Physical therapy goals can and will include helping you rebuild your strength, balance, and mobility and allowing you to understand your anatomy better to improve your overall technique and get back into the studio faster and stronger. 

At Wellness 360, we offer physical therapy for injury and injury prevention and also provide wellness and prevention workshops in the community, covering a range of topics from injury prevention to exercise modifications. 


● Kinney S, McCrystal T, Owen M, Stracciolini A, Meehan WP. The Effect of Physical

Therapist Involvement in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth and Adolescent Dancers’

Injuries. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 2018;22(2):81-83.


● Skwiot M, Śliwiński Z, Żurawski A, Śliwiński G. Effectiveness of physiotherapy

interventions for injury in ballet dancers: A systematic review. PLoS One.

2021;16(6):e0253437. Published 2021 Jun 24. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253437


Taylor Wood, PT, DPT
Taylor Wood, PT, DPT

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