Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Physical Therapy (PT)

What is orthopedic PT and how can it help me?
Orthopedic physical therapy addresses diseases and injuries in the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Common diagnoses treated by PT include muscle strains, sprains, stiffness and weakness, post-surgical (joint replacements, fractures), OA, nerve damage, etc. Therapy can help to improve these injuries and reduce pain to help patients improve their ability to move.
What is Neuro PT and how can it help?
Neurological physical therapy (PT) is the movement treatment of those with injuries or diseases within the nervous system. PT can help treat a wide range of injuries or diseases, including; spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease (PD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). The goal is to use evidence-based treatments to decrease pain and improve mobility, ROM, and functional strength to improve day-to-day functions. While PT can not cure the disease, it is extremely helpful in managing it and keeping yourself or your loved one as independent as possible.
Can PT improve your balance?
Physical therapy can address multiple factors that affect balance, including improving reaction time and strengthening the muscles necessary to use your balance reactions appropriately, muscles including those in your ankles and your hips. Physical therapists are also trained to exploit your “flaws” to determine the most effective exercises to improve your balance and decrease your fall risk. Read more on how to improve your balance through exercise.
Does a PT need to specialize in a particular area?
Physical therapists can treat most orthopedic, neurological, pediatric, sports injury, and/or geriatric diagnoses. Most physical therapists take continuing education to improve their skill set in one area over another. All PTs and PTAs are required to continue their education yearly to improve their skill sets and to keep up with new and improved scientific studies or education. Our Wellness 360 staff has a variety of specialties, including Neuro, Parkinson's, Movement disorders, post-stroke, manual therapy, and more. To learn more about your PT's skill set, just ask. They would be happy to share their expertise.
Can PT reduce my pain?
In many cases, a comprehensive, personally tailored treatment plan created by a physical therapist can help you reduce and/or eliminate pain. Using an appropriate program to strengthen and stretch your muscles has proven to improve your pain levels and mobility.
Can PT help me to avoid surgery?
In most cases, PT is the approach toward improving your movement and decreasing your pain. PT can often improve your mobility enough to prolong surgery. If surgery is inevitable, strengthening your muscles before surgery is often suggested to improve a surgery's recovery rate and success. This is called pre-hab and is covered by most insurance.
Does insurance pay for my PT sessions?
Wellness 360 does accept most insurance plans. Your financial responsibility will be dependent on your insurance plan. Wellness 360 will call and confirm your financial responsibility before your treatment. It is your responsibility to know your insurance. We, unfortunately, have no power to change or alter your insurance plan. However, we have payment plans and other options if you carry a high deductible. For more insurance information, please call 585-259-0782.
Do I need a script from my Doctor for PT?
No, in most cases, you do not need a script from your Doctor to set up your initial evaluation for PT. In NY, you are allowed ten visits or up to 1 month of PT visits without a script. This is called Direct Access. We will be in direct communication with your Doctor about your treatments. In some cases, you will need a script. Please call 585-482-5060 to find out if you can participate in Direct Access.